Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

There are a couple of crafts I found on some great blogs via Pinterest that I want to share with you today. I know it's Hearts Day today, so if you feel so inclined, you can make something quick, or tuck these little gems in your pocket for the next Valentine's Day! 
~They are very easy projects!

#1: Crayon Hearts

I made these adorable and fun crayon hearts for my daughter's preschool class for her friends and classmates.  So fun, quick and easy!  Just click this link for the original tutorial: 

#2: Cupid's Arrow Valentine Cards

I love these Cupid's Arrows! I made them for my oldest daughter's school class and they were so easy peasy to make! All you need is a pencil and paper for each one.  And, it's a free download from this site:


Rapunzel's Castle Valentine Box

This is a project my oldest daughter and I designed and made together.  It became a family affair with Rapunzel's hair being my husband's brilliant idea. 
I cut a slit on the top for her sweet Valentine's and she was ready to go.
I think her Valentine box turned out Fantastic!

Happy Valentine's Day!

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